Vidéos Scrum Agile

Scrum Developer Certified: Agile & Scrum overview (9 videos)

Agile Overview

Agile principles

History of Scrum

Purpose of the SBOK Guide

How to Use SBOK Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Scrum Principles

Why Use Scrum?

Framework of the SBOK Guide

Scrum vs Traditional Project Management

Scrum Developer Certified: Agile & Scrum principles (8 videos)

Introduction to Scrum Principles

Roles Guide and Empirical Process Control


Value-Based Prioritization

Iterative Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Scrum Vs Traditional Project Management - Ch2

Scrum Master Certified: Agile & Scrum overview (9 videos)

Agile Overview

Agile principles

What has changed

Scrum Overview

Scrum Aspects

Scrum Summary

Agile Methods

Scrum Principles

Scrum Processes

Scrum Master Certified: Scrum Roles (5 videos)

Scrum Roles

Core role- Product Owner

Core role- Scrum Master

Non-core Roles

Core role- Scrum Team

Scrumstudy Agile Master Certified: Agile & Scrum principles (6 videos)

Agile Defined

Why use Agile?

Adaptive Project Management

Declaration of Interdependence

Agile Manifesto

Difference between Waterfall and Agile

Scrumstudy Agile Master Certified: Domains of Agile Practices (7 videos)

Value-Driven Delivery

Stakeholder Engagement

Team Performance Practices

Problem Detection and Resolution

Agile Tools and Artifacts

Adaptive Planning

Continuous Improvement

Scrum Product Owner Certified: Agile and Scrum overview (8 videos)

What is Agile? Why use Agile?

The Agile Manifesto

Principles of the Agile Manifesto

Agile Methods

Scrum Characteristics

What has Changed?

Scrum Principles

Advantages of Scrum

Scrum Product Owner Certified: Scrum Roles (3 videos)

The Product Owner

The Scrum Team

The Scrum Master

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